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Artistic, Easter, Events, General, Just for Fun, Seasonal

Easter egg-citement

Yikes, so sorry about the lapse! I’ve been applying to all sorts of regular-paying jobs recently. However, we haven’t given up crafts!

Matthew’s mom always made egg dyes from scratch. I’m not nearly that cool, so we got a PAAS Easter egg kit.

Matthew stirring up the dyes

The box had three different ways to mix the color tablets: with vinegar (for “vibrant” colors), with lemon juice (for traditional colors) and with water (for pastels). Since we didn’t actually have vinegar, we used the lemon juice and water options. But, of course, something didn’t quite turn out. Many of the water-based colors were so pale, they didn’t stick to the egg shells. Next year, we’ll just get vinegar. Still, they turned out all right!

Easter eggs!

I enjoyed using the “magic” crayon to draw on the eggs before dyeing them, although I often couldn’t read what I’d written, and the script came out lopsided. Matthew and I used everything from toothpicks to cotton swabs to make the designs. I even held the eggs at different angles in the dyes to get patterns. Matthew named one of his eggs “Helter Skelter” because of how abstract it became.

People give to us all the time, and this year we would like to give back as much as we are able. Some solutions we thought of are not as frugal as we’d hoped, and as the readers know, we are all about saving money. However, yesterday, I made little Easter baskets out of white cardstock, and shredded a piece of green construction paper for fake grass. They’re for friends, shhh!

Mini Easter baskets

I thought they came out rather well! In any case, we’re not sure how to fill them, but by golly! We’ll figure it out before Easter.

The Mystery Animal is doing well. His top body is coming along, and should soon be joined to the lower half.

More later!

About journelise

Creative, optimistic and inquisitive, many often think I lack gravitas. Remember that discussion fosters understanding.


3 thoughts on “Easter egg-citement

  1. I really like your eggs!! …I’d like to try making my own paint!!

    Posted by laubao | 2012/04/06, 1:56 pm


  1. Pingback: Coloring Eggs | GrandmaCents - 2012/04/06

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