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Artistic, General, Home Improvement, Just for Fun, Seasonal, St. Patrick's Day

Spring projects

Since we have such strange schedules, please forgive this odd-day post. I don’t like to post on the weekends, but as I have the time (and the project to share) today seemed as good as Monday.

All four feet of the Mystery Project are done. I am now working on the tail, and will begin with the bottom half of the body. It should be pretty interesting. I have an idea of how I want it to turn out, but I don’t know if I have the skill to make sure it does. We’ll see…

In other news, Matthew brought home 20 cutouts from a framing mat. Apparently a client needed the mat replaced in his 20-picture frame. So they took a new mat and cut 20 holes. The leftovers were too small for the store to use again, so Matt got them at a reduced price and brought them to me!!!

20 pieces of matting

Naturally, I had to do something creative with them. So, I tested different mediums on the matting, and ended up drawing (and painting a few pictures). “Well,” I said to myself, “it doesn’t seem right to make these artistic things and not hang them up!” So I looked around and realized that the only place I had left to decorate (since Christmas) was the shelf we used as our faux fireplace. Thus began a project!

Flower paintings

These are what I made. The black and silver one was first, then I wanted to see it in color, so I drew that next. I found the scrap of green cloth (it is a floral print) in my scrap cloth with my sewing machine. I remembered I had a mini clay pot from when I tried to grow cone flowers from a kit in college (they died–I never did figure out why), and filled it with beans.

Spring decorations

Filling the pot
I used a floral pick from Christmas project leftovers, Christmas ribbon and floral tape. I found a felt leaf I made, and a hot glue gun.

Random supplies
So I cut a ribbon length, then looped small sections and taped them.

Blue ribbon is pretty!
Small bit of tape on the finger
Tape to the end before curling
Curl carefully, making a point at one end
Petal! Now cut it free.
Lots of petals

I trimmed those…

Trimmed the petals

…and worked on my leaf while the glue gun warmed up.

Leaf and floral tape
Tape around the leaf--that made it look nice
Finished leaf!

Next, I glued the petals and the center to the floral pick. I started with a High Temp gun, but switched to a Low Temp.

Gluing the petals was tricky and took a steady hand
All the petals are on
I put extra glue on the underside so the petals would stay
I wrapped the floral pick with the floral tape, and glued on the leaf
I sacrificed a yellow pearlesque pony bead from my collection for the center

Then, I decorated the “mantlepiece.”

Spring Decorations!

Cool! More later.

About journelise

Creative, optimistic and inquisitive, many often think I lack gravitas. Remember that discussion fosters understanding.


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