

This category contains 15 posts

Mini Easter baskets

Easy enough to make for friends, family, and kids! Continue reading

Easter egg-citement

Matthew named one of his eggs “Helter Skelter” because of how abstract it became. Continue reading

Spring projects

Naturally, I had to do something creative with the 20 cutouts from a framing mat. Continue reading

Mystery Project, update #1

The first rule on this blog is “simplicity.” Continue reading

New projects!!

I’m doing this project the only way I know how–I’m making it up as I go. Continue reading

Puppy, Holdie update

Trial and error, I say. It’s the best way to learn what not to do. Continue reading

Beagle puppy, try #1

I added a double stitch, and this continued for several rows, until the piece became so lopsided and I realized I had two stitches more than I should. I tied a knot in the yarn, and cut the piece free. Fail. Continue reading

Petunia the Duck

See? I said I would come up with a better name! (Duck-lina, honestly!) Continue reading

Crochet hook holder

For Christmas, Matt’s parents gave me a sewing machine, and I have since been dying to try it out on something. So, I decided to make a dummy project to help plan Matt’s chisel case. Continue reading

Progress on She-Duck

Just finished the body this morning; now I am working on the head. After the biggest pieces are finished, it’s all smooth sailing…


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