

This tag is associated with 10 posts

Mini Easter baskets

Easy enough to make for friends, family, and kids! Continue reading

Easter egg-citement

Matthew named one of his eggs “Helter Skelter” because of how abstract it became. Continue reading

Spring projects

Naturally, I had to do something creative with the 20 cutouts from a framing mat. Continue reading

Mystery Project, update #1

The first rule on this blog is “simplicity.” Continue reading

New projects!!

I’m doing this project the only way I know how–I’m making it up as I go. Continue reading

How to make woven hearts

I MUST COMPETE!! Not really, but naturally, I couldn’t be outdone by shiny, plastic hearts! Continue reading

Puppy, Holdie update

Trial and error, I say. It’s the best way to learn what not to do. Continue reading

Beagle puppy, try #1

I added a double stitch, and this continued for several rows, until the piece became so lopsided and I realized I had two stitches more than I should. I tied a knot in the yarn, and cut the piece free. Fail. Continue reading

Wooden Frames, Part 1

Today, I’ll show you exactly how I make my handmade frames.  First things first, let’s talk supplies: 1×2 pine strip at 8′ Wood glue Minwax gel stain Seriously, that’s all I use.  The strip costs about a dollar, the glue and stain together cost about $5 (and the glue and stain will last for a … Continue reading

Handmade Wooden Frames

When Elise and I first moved in to our apartment, I commissioned her (well, asked her to do it–I wasn’t going to pay my own wife) to make some paintings for the blank walls in our house. She was quite excited, and promptly produced some oil paintings that I could never have done myself. Continue reading


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