
stuffed animal

This tag is associated with 6 posts

Easter egg-citement

Matthew named one of his eggs “Helter Skelter” because of how abstract it became. Continue reading

Mystery Project, update #1

The first rule on this blog is “simplicity.” Continue reading

New projects!!

I’m doing this project the only way I know how–I’m making it up as I go. Continue reading

Puppy, Holdie update

Trial and error, I say. It’s the best way to learn what not to do. Continue reading

Stuffed Animals

One of the best parts of doing the same project over again is that now I can improve it. I remember the problems I had to solve, and now I know the best way to counter them. Continue reading

Puddles the Duck

I had to learn to crochet on the way. I knew the basics, but I knew only the basics. My mother-in-law was extremely helpful; I called her in desperate panic and she answered me calmly. Continue reading


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