

This tag is associated with 7 posts

Mystery Project, update #1

The first rule on this blog is “simplicity.” Continue reading

New projects!!

I’m doing this project the only way I know how–I’m making it up as I go. Continue reading

Puppy, Holdie update

Trial and error, I say. It’s the best way to learn what not to do. Continue reading

Beagle puppy, try #1

I added a double stitch, and this continued for several rows, until the piece became so lopsided and I realized I had two stitches more than I should. I tied a knot in the yarn, and cut the piece free. Fail. Continue reading

Petunia the Duck

See? I said I would come up with a better name! (Duck-lina, honestly!) Continue reading

Progress on She-Duck

Just finished the body this morning; now I am working on the head. After the biggest pieces are finished, it’s all smooth sailing…

Stuffed Animals

One of the best parts of doing the same project over again is that now I can improve it. I remember the problems I had to solve, and now I know the best way to counter them. Continue reading


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